Memberships are available for 2024-2025!
Please sign up for your annual BOOSTER CLUB membership by completing the online membership form.
Welcome back QO Community! We are so excited for the upcoming school year and hope we can rely on your support! The QO Booster Club is pleased to support ALL extra-curricular clubs and athletics through a grant request process. We look forward to seeing how all our students thrive in the activities that help them grow and thrive as individuals.
Please note that Booster Club membership is an annual commitment. Please email with any questions.
Staying Involved
We truly appreciate your membership “dues”, which allow the Booster Club to give back to the school in the form of “grants”. We also have many SMALL and BIG ways to get involved in the Booster Club and make the most of your membership.
- When you complete the membership form, let us know if you’d like to volunteer your time and/or talents and we’ll contact you to talk about how you’d like to get involved.
- If you are interested in receiving email updates on both QO PTSA and Booster Club meetings and happenings, please join our group.
Ways to help and have fun at the same time!
- become a member
- volunteer for concessions
- chair a committee
- purchase and wear QO Spirit Gear
- honor your child/coach/teacher with a personalized brick
- donate goods or services to the silent auction
- buy a hotdog at a sporting event
- make a monetary donation
- purchase an ad in our student & staff directory
- flip burgers at a football game
- help with the sale of QO Spirit Wear at school or sporting events
- help set up the concessions
- help sell and deliver mulch